
No offer

This website is available for information purposes only and is intended to describe the activities of Eden Block Fund 1 LP. Eden Block Fund 1 LP is not available for subscription or investment by members of the general public. Nothing on this website is intended to constitute an offer or solicitation to invest or sell of any nature in any jurisdiction, or to recommend any investment or transaction, whether in Eden Block Fund 1 LP or otherwise by any persons for any purpose.
No reliance

Nothing contained in or presented on this website constitutes or shall be construed to constitute investment, legal, tax or other advice of any kind, nor is it to be relied on in relation to making an investment or any other decision. You are recommended to obtain relevant and specific professional advice where appropriate.

Jersey Regulatory Notice

Eden Block Fund 1 LP is a limited partnership registered under the laws of Jersey and has been regulated in Jersey as a Jersey Private Fund in accordance with the Jersey Private Fund Guide as published by the Jersey Financial Services Commission from time to time. The Jersey Financial Services Commission has given, and has not withdrawn, its consent under Article 10 of the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Order 1958. It must be distinctly understood that, in giving this consent, the Jersey Financial Services Commission does not take any responsibility for the financial soundness of Eden Block Fund 1 LP or for the correctness of any statements made, or opinions expressed, with regard to it as contained in or presented on this website. The Jersey Financial Services Commission is protected by the Control of Borrowing (Jersey) Law 1947, as amended, against liability arising from the discharge of its functions under that Law.